Women may be choosier than men when it comes to scouting out a potential partner online, a marriage and family therapist commented.

Melody Brooke spoke to The 33 News following the publication of a study which found that people were more drawn to members of the opposite sex if their previous partner was attractive.

According to Ms Brooke, women are keen to scope out a potential partner on a site such as Facebook before deciding to date them.

"You want to see what their interests are and you want to see what kind of people they’ve had in their life, what kind of women they’ve had in their life and it gives you better information about whether this is somebody that would make a good mate," she said.

But social networks are also being used for breaking up, in addition to hooking up, according to research by rightmobilephone.co.uk.

Some 18 per cent of the people surveyed claimed they had ended a relationship on networks such as Facebook, while 22 per cent said they had used a text.

Posted by Samantha ThompsonADNFCR-2867-ID-19643643-ADNFCR

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