Soldiers don’t need to spend thousands of pounds on home fitness equipment, or hundreds each year in gym membership, as the great outdoors has everything they need to get in shape.

That’s according to Nick Dunn, a personal trainer who gave the Daily Telegraph’s Gary King the run around in the countryside and helped him realise that there is more to working out than treadmills.

The pair kicked off with some jogging and walking followed by some bobbing and weaving between some sticks, much like footballers do with cones.

They then put their hands on a bench seat and faced away from it while doing dips to work the triceps and shoulders.

Following that, they used the bench to do press-ups, lunges and more steps.

At the end, Mr King said his whole body was feeling better.

"[It was] thoroughly pleasurable and educational to be training outside instead of being bound by four walls and rows of equipment," he stated.

To help those muscles develop, troops should eat salmon, spinach and pumpkin seeds, according to the Metro International.

Posted by Simon Williams


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