Making the right first impression should always be your priority when you take to online dating sites, so avoiding certain subjects is a wise move.

For instance, you do not need to be an expert to realise one topic you should steer clear of at all times is your previous partners.

Prospective dates will not want to hear about ex-girlfriends or boyfriends, and bringing them up will only reinforce the idea that you are yet to get over the break-up.

As a man, it is also wise not to mention too much about sport, as many ladies will not be particularly interested and might fear you will put football or cricket above them.

Similarly, while it is good to let people know that you have friends and a good social life, you should not emphasise this to the point that it appears to be a priority.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801657235-ADNFCR

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