Online dating experts are always quick to tell you what you should do to stand the best chance of finding love on the internet, but it can be just as useful to know what you must avoid doing.

Just as there are in face-to-face dating, there are many mistakes you can make that will likely lead to someone ruling you out as a potential partner.

For instance, the first thing you should never do is lie on your profile or try to be something you are not.

There is no doubt that this will come back to haunt you, as it is only a matter of time before the truth is out.

Other shrewd moves include never letting a failed date get you down, as there are always thousands more people on the internet ready to catch your eye.

And regardless of your age or gender, do not be afraid of making the first move. You never know what you might get out of it.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801672574-ADNFCR

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