Being unemployed can be tough on anybody, but sitting around the house moping is unlikely to ever provide a solution to the problem.

Instead, showing off your skills in a shop window could be the answer – just as a group of professionals in Copenhagen have done.

The unemployed Danes appeared in the front of the Reputation Copenhagen store, showing off their range of skills.

Some sat at desks and pretended to work, with those involved including lawyers and academics, indicating there was plenty of talent to pick from.

Hannibel Camel Holt, a political scientist who has not had steady employment for four years, took part and said: "I'm willing to try anything. I feel like a monkey in a cage as people walk by and just stare at me."

It remains to be seen whether the group of white collar workers will find their stunt has been useful in attracting an employer.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801583436-ADNFCR

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