As many as two-thirds of people in the UK feel as though they are not shown enough affection, according to the latest study on the subject.

A poll of 2,000 people aged between 25 and 54 by Durex Embrace found many people are engaged in a 'work hard, play hard' lifestyle that leaves them with very little time for romance. Some six out of ten couples said they wished they spent more of their time together kissing and cuddling.

The researchers behind the study found some people often go days without so much as touching each other. Many others only kiss or cuddle once a day, leaving them feeling unsatisfied with the level of intimacy in their relationship.

Susan Quilliam, relationship psychologist for the company, said: "We live such busy, tiring lives that we end up putting intimacy right to the bottom of the agenda. But it's a serious mistake. A shocking two-thirds of us lack physical touch and emotional connection – and if that need isn't met, our relationships suffer. We all know, deep down, that we need more touch."

She urged people to start reversing the trend and becoming more intimate with their partners. Britons need to open up both physically and emotionally if they are to get the most out of their relationships.

It was also noted that one in four people are now more likely to use Facebook, emails or text messages to contact their partner than to speak with them face to face.

Those who are currently single and looking for love may well find that online dating is the ideal way to do so. Not only will they be able to search and potentially contact thousands of fellow singletons, they can make it clear they want a romantic and intimate relationship.

Finding someone who is like-minded is one of the major plus points of online dating, as user profiles mean it is possible to spell out what someone wants from the off.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801636429-ADNFCR

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