Members of the armed forces should take any opportunity they can to sharpen up their flirting skills, as it could give them the edge over the guy next to them when it comes to getting the girl.

According to a study by the University of Portsmouth, published in the Archives of Sexual Behaviour, women find flirtatious hot soldiers more attractive during the most fertile period of their monthly cycle.

Research conducted by evolutionary psychologist Dr Edward Morrison found that when it is time of the month, ladies appreciation of flirtatious faces rockets, making it a great time for hot soldiers to go on the pull.

Dr Morrison said that during this period, girls prefer troops who are taller, with more masculine faces and deeper voices.

"We use facial movement to interpret people’s intentions, such as whether they like us or not. This allows us to allocate our mating effort appropriately. For example, there is little point trying to chat up a person we admire if their expression indicates they are not interested," he added.

Those whose flirting skills get them the girl may want to put a ring on her finger after a while after research from the University of Otago in New Zealand found that marriage can help fight off mental health problems.

Posted by Daniel Ohio

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