People who decide to search for love on the internet have been advised to avoid using certain cliches that are contained with many profiles on sites.

The Huffington Post has picked out three of the most common phrases that suggest a lack of imagination and few points for differentiation.

For instance, using words such as 'I love to laugh' and 'I live life to the fullest' mean very little, as everybody enjoys these things.

It is wise to think about what in particular makes an individual laugh or smile and include that in the profile.

Another mistake is to describe oneself as an adventurist, as almost everybody claims to take risks, play extreme sports and engage in adrenaline-fuelled activities – and this therefore means very little.

The final cliche to avoid is 'I don't want a gold digger, player or liar', as this should be entirely obvious from the outset.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801565440-ADNFCR

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