There are many advantages to online dating, and one is the opportunity to move outside your comfort zone.

Alexa Cortese, writing a piece for the Huffington Post, has revealed some of the major benefits of searching for love online, including the fact it is a slightly unusual experience.

She explained putting yourself out there and having to make a good impression on others via a computer is a new challenge and something that should be embraced.

There are many decisions to make that you would never normally have to in everyday life, such as what photograph to use, how to begin your messages and what to include in your biography.

What's more, online dating also presents a wonderful opportunity to meet people that you would otherwise not get in contact with.

Individuals from all walks of life and of varying ages, backgrounds and interests are online and you never know who might be your perfect match.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801712967-ADNFCR

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