Have you ever heard of a sarcastic gorilla?

I know some animals are thought to take on the attributes of humans, but I've never seen anything like this before.

The animal in question is kept at Jerusalem Zoo and has become something of a sensation for the manner in which he applauds passers by.

When individuals try to interact with him, the primate sarcastically lifts his upper lip and claps.

Olga Shiropaeva snapped the gorilla in his element and told the Daily Mail: "He is a very talented actor. He was applauding like mad for a good few minutes. It made everyone laugh and clap him even more."

The wry grin struck by the animal sets him apart from the rest in the enclosure, who are only interested in getting food.

He is not the only creature making a name for himself, as it was recently reported that two parrots in Telford have been taught to bark and now work as a form security.

Posted by Samantha Thompson

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