Single soldiers hoping to woo the ladies through online dating may want to make sure their profile picture depicts them at their best.

This is because new research has found women are most likely to judge a man on physical attraction when searching for a prospective partner, The Shorthorn reports.

The study has been carried out by Sharie Vance and the expert claimed appearance is more influential for females than it is for their male counterparts.

She explained the medium does not allow for traditional flirting and courtship, meaning looks offer one of the best insights into a guy.

The investigation included men and women rating the portfolios of internet users and Ms Vance observed: "I wanted to see if the first written impression was stronger than the photo."

Successful online dater Louis Gibney, who met her current partner through the method, recently advised singletons to make the effort with courting on the web rather than waiting for something to happen, the Northampton Chronicle and Echo reported.

Posted by Simon Williams

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