Single soldiers hoping to find a mate who are worried about meeting up with strangers may find online dating a safe scenario to do so.

Contributing for Helium, Ted Sherman noted contacting unknown people carries a degree of risk, but suggested online dating sites can offer something of a safety net.

The expert advised web users to be careful with their personal information.

“Instead of giving a stranger your email address online, it may be best to sign up with an online dating service,” he recommended.

Mr Sherman observed this method enables would-be courters to keep everything totally confidential before they decide whether to pursue the possibility of taking a cyberspace relationship further.

He added the internet has now enabled individuals to hook up whether they are from a different part of the world or just around the corner. recently urged single males to get online in their quest to find love as the digital world can act as a virtual hang-out for people from across the globe.

Posted by Samantha Thompson

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