Online dating could provide a plethora of choice for single soldiers hoping to find a prospective partner, it has been suggested.

Dating coach Evan Marc Katz identified the vast number of people a user could meet as one of the main benefits of internet courtship, writes Kellie Gormly for the Pittsburgh Tribune Review.

Mr Katz said the web opens up a whole new world of individuals that a person would not normally meet in their everyday lives.

"To me, online dating is the best game in town. There is no bar in the world that has a million people in it," the specialist remarked.

He added the concept of the medium is "extraordinary" and observed it provides people with the opportunity to get to know one-another better than a first date can.

Reporting for the Daily Telegraph, Michael Hogan recently described looking for love on the internet as a time-effective method for meeting the right person.

Posted by Simon Williams

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