Online dating is a practice that people increasingly feel comfortable trying out.

When looking for Mr or Mrs Right, individuals will take a number of factors into consideration, such as personality, appearance and their job.

However, taking the process onto the web offers them greater security, as they do not have to reveal their identity until they feel comfortable.

According to the Canadian National Newspaper, it is very easy for people to organise their schedules around the internet, as it is accessible 24/7.

"Before getting too serious with the relationship, online dating gives [individuals] the opportunity to know each other," the paper added.

This can include their hobbies, interests, strength and weaknesses and means they will have something to talk about when they first meet.

In order to attract the opposite sex, single people need to make their online profile engaging and informative, while they should also make sure there are no spelling mistakes in it.

Posted by Simon WilliamsADNFCR-2867-ID-801365829-ADNFCR

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