Online dating and a whole host of other activities have been made possible thanks to the invention of the internet.

And Martha Lane Fox, the government's UK digital champion, tells the Sun she is proud of the way the country is embracing technology.

"The UK's 30million web users already know the internet helps everything we do – from job-hunting to online dating," she says.

Some 96 per cent of people who surf the web think it has improved their life and 85 per cent reckon it means they have more contact with their friends and family.

Ms Lane Fox now wants to encourage even more people to click away, as she says it is "unacceptable" that nine million Britons who have never been online.

The representative is championing a new government scheme asking those who are internet savvy to pass on their skills to somebody who is not – such as a family member or friend.

Posted by Mark Wilkins

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