The internet has helped to open up a number of new avenues for single people.

Before the onset of the digital age, most individuals had to rely on their immediate social group in order to meet their Mr or Mrs Right.

However, thanks to online dating this is no longer the case, as individuals are now able to make connections with thousands of like-minded individuals.

Jill Filipovic, writing in the Guardian, noted this has created a number of different opportunities for individuals, as there has never been a better time for people if their goal is to "live a varied life, to learn about yourself through a variety of relationships … and to develop reasonably fully as a human being before you settle down".

She added dating is great, as it gives individuals the chance to develop "active and wonderful" social circles, but finding true love still remains a tricky prospect.

Posted by Trevor SmithADNFCR-2867-ID-801528931-ADNFCR

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