There are a number of measures you can implement in order to stand the best chance of landing your dream date from an online matchmaking site.

Amy Webb has written a piece for the Guardian in which she recommended first making a wishlist of exactly what you are looking for, as this will help you to sift through the potential matches.

It is then important to keep score, so each time you set eyes on the profile of someone new, think about how many of your boxes they tick.

Another key tip is simply to choose a site that matches your needs, so whatever you are looking for, think about which site is most likely to deliver it. There are key differences between many platforms.

And finally, keep your profile short and sweet, as long profiles tend to perform quite poorly. A short and snappy body of text should be enough to sell yourself.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801704785-ADNFCR

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