Online dating is often considered to be a minefield in which even the most experienced and savvy users can go wrong.

There are so many potential pitfalls awaiting you once you sign up to a particular website, so considering some of the most common mistakes and doing everything you can to avoid them is a wise move.

Mashable's advice on the subject starts by recommending you do not go crazy over anyone's photographs, as you must be prepared to spend some time learning more about individuals and their personalities, rather than making snap judgements based on what they look like.

It said the best idea is not to rule anyone out for minor issues, such as having the wrong hair colour, and instead realise your dream partner might not be entirely as you imagined them.

On a similar theme, it is important to remember some of the smaller details do not matter in the grand scheme of things, so do not be put off people who do not share your taste in films, music or food. All of these items can be worked around and really do not matter in time.

When looking at someone's profile, your aim should be to assess the tone in which they write, as this could give away some clues about their personality and outlook on life.

You should look to read between the lines and work out whether you think the person in question is well balanced, pleasant and friendly. Try to imagine them saying those words in person and think about whether you would be attracted to them.

The news source also suggested you ignore any claims fellow daters make about their own personality, as people tend to be very unreliable self-reporters.

Finally, never get yourself in a position where you have fallen for someone based purely on their profile, as meeting up is always the acid test.ADNFCR-2867-ID-801690105-ADNFCR

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