Single soldiers who are looking for love online may be interested to hear that four in ten women will have succumbed to the seductive powers of a new partner by the third date.

In a recent study by healthcare group Bayer, some 11 per cent of women admitted to sleeping with a new boyfriend on a first date, while 28 per cent find their charms irresistible by the second or third meeting.

However, despite the survey revealing that ladies are becoming increasingly confident in the bedroom department, 48 per cent of those questioned revealed they get embarrassed about discussing things like contraception with their friends.

Some 24 per cent will not even discuss it with a trained professional, such as a GP.

Psychologist Dr Linda Papadopolous said: "The sexual confidence displayed by many women does not seem to be reflected in their confidence about their contraception."

A recent study revealed those who jog on a regular basis may enjoy a more active sex life than those who do not, with one in ten runners stating they have sex at least once a day.

Posted by Samantha ThompsonADNFCR-2867-ID-19681099-ADNFCR

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