Hot soldiers have perfect abs but those who haven’t quite got them yet can try a few simple steps to get that washboard stomach.

Fitness professional Peta Bee told the Times that there are some dos and don’ts that guys should keep in mind when trying to get those muscles which women go wild for.

The first thing to try is upping aerobic activity, such as running, swimming or cycling, which will trim body fat and reveal those muscles hidden under the podge.

Troops should avoid ab-sliders and other equipment because they aren’t worth the money, with the fitness guru recommending a Swiss ball instead.

Something simple as laughing can be beneficial though, with physiotherapists claiming that it works the key transversus abdominus muscle.

The best way to build those picture perfect abs is to try the "bicycle move", according to a study by the University of Wisconsin.

"Lie on your back with knees bent and flat on the floor, engaging your abdominal muscles, as you put you put both hands behind your head. Bring your right elbow over to your left knee, then your left elbow over to your right knee in alternate twisting moves while pedalling your legs," Ms Bee said.

Exercise physiologist Marco Borges recently told the Miami Herald that troops should focus on the shoulder, knee, hip and elbow joints when trying to improve their physique.

Posted by Daniel OhioADNFCR-2867-ID-19554926-ADNFCR

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