There are lots of ways to get a fruitful conversation going when you want to chat to someone online. Here are just five that you might want to roll out if you're having a tough time!

What's the nicest thing you're doing this week?

Focus in on what's going on this very week and you could make it easier for the person you're chatting to to be think of what to say in response.

There's a chance someone might feel glum if they don't have anything planned – which is why we've said nicest rather than 'most exciting' – but if they say watching a DVD in bed, that's still an answer that can go somewhere, conversation wise – what film are they planning to watch?


Sport can be a great conversation topic. Yes, we don't all do sport, but even those of us who don't would often like to be more active. And if we're totally not feeling like being sporty at the moment, that's an interesting point of view to talk about!


Ask about their creativity. We all have a creative aspect to ourselves. Perhaps they love creating things in the kitchen or are good at telling stories? By keeping questions open, you can help the person you're chatting to pick the aspects of their lives that fit in with the topic you've suggested.


Music is something most of us have at least some interest in – whether it be to dance to on a Friday night, to appreciate in an opera or both! And again, there will still be something to say even if your online penpal isn't really a music fan.

The weather

Okay, so it's not exactly a groundbreaking way to get a conversation going, but at least there will be things to say – and weather is a foundation for lots of other topics: holidays in the sun, bonfire night in the autumn, Christmas in the winter…ADNFCR-2867-ID-801745442-ADNFCR

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