For some people, connecting with others is much easier than in person.

This is why they prefer to use online dating websites to find like-minded individuals to meet up with.

By using the internet as a starting point, it gives them the chance to get to know a would be-partner in an environment that leaves them feeling relaxed and more confident.

Emily Band is one such person and she told the Guardian it is easier to communicate with people through the web.

"I have more time to think of responses and I don't run the risk of stumbling over my words as I often do when I'm nervous," Ms Band observed.

She is currently in a long-distance relationship and says she could not function without being to stay in contact with her beau online.

Ms Band described the internet as a lifeline that brings joy into her days and she could not live without it.

Posted by Simon WilliamsADNFCR-2867-ID-801399720-ADNFCR

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