People should not be afraid to seek out help when it comes to designing their online dating profile.

This is the advice of Ann Blumenthal Jacobs, Patricia Ryan Lampl and Tish Rabe, the authors of a book about women who married over the age of 35.

The trio advised individuals to list all of the information they thought was relevant and then ask a friend or family member to have a look through it.

"It's easy for you to dismiss some things that you're too modest to mention, but a good friend will help you out. Ideally, it should be someone who has had a little experience with dating sites," they told the Huffington Post.

People should also be truthful with any information they place on their profiles, as there is no point in lying.

This means individuals need to list their real age, height and weight, as this will work out to be the best move in the long term.

Posted by Simon WilliamsADNFCR-2867-ID-801521821-ADNFCR

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